In this section, you are advised to practically perform the procedures enumerated in practical lessons 1-4. This will give you a better understanding of how to use the various features on the teachable dashboard. However, note that you will require admin privileges for you to access the MCC Teachable dashboard. Such privileges are only reserved for users who serve in the college's top management team.

Therefore, if you don't have direct access to the MCC teachable dashboard, you will need to get help from the MCC administration team for you to log into the platform's admin dashboard and undertake your practical lessons. Currently, Dr Mwakisole, Rev. Mchaki, Rev. Methuselah and the ICT office have direct access to the platform's dashboard. Their login credentials can be used by other lecturers to access the admin dashboard for practical lessons.

NOTE: The PDF files in the following practical lessons are downloadable, by clicking the "download" link at the end of each lesson, in case you want to download and print the notes for your own records.

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